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Sportsmen's Devotional - Lift Up Your Eyes

Updated: Sep 6, 2024

Bible Verse/Version

“But when anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.” 2 Corinthians 3:16 (NIV)


   The very first backpacking trip my family took was along the coast of Lake Superior up in Canada.  The shoreline was stunning, but I had no idea what we were in for.  The stretch of shoreline we were backpacking was nothing other than pure rocks.  Each and every cove seemed to have a different type of rock with different colorings.  One cove would have black boulders, the next would be filled with red rocks, the next one would have pure white sand, the next one would have red sand, the next one would have strips of marble in it.  It was pretty, but it was brutal hiking.

     Because of the rocks, we found ourselves constantly with our heads down looking at our feet just to make sure that we had good footing and weren’t going to slip.  As we hiked, I kept having to remind everyone to keep their heads up as best as possible or else we were going to miss the beauty that we came to see along the coast. 

Action Point:

    It’s super easy in our daily grinds to do the same thing. We can become so task focused that we don’t take the time to lift our head up to the heavens and see things through God’s eyes.  We can place our attention on only what’s immediately in front of us without ever considering how God views the events of our days.  Let me encourage you to not get bogged down in the details of life.  Lift your eyes to the heavens and try to keep your faith at the very center of everything you do. 

Sportsman’s Tip of the Day:

     If you are going to do a backpacking trip, there are some great trail websites with blogs included where you can read about the trails from first hand experience. Other people’s observations and experiences are a big help in determining if the trail you are considering doing is the right one for you.

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