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Fan the Flame! ... Revival


      I am excited to start a new addition to the blog!  If you’ve been a follower for very long, you’ll know that I have two devotional books - Swim Upstream and Breaking Camp - each one sharing lessons learned  from God’s amazing creation.   But you’ll also see articles posted here in the blog  from articles  I do as a columnist for the newspaper, as well as short devotionals I write for the sportsmen’s ministry  These are each designed for specific audiences, but as this website has continued to evolve, I have felt the need to also delve into a more personal style of writing, sharing lessons and golden nuggets that I am learning in my own walk of faith with Christ. 

      I hope that my  ponderings and reflections as I read and meditate on scripture help to fan your own flame of faith.  There is much to study and learn in scripture, but as I’ve tried to do in most aspects of life, I’ll try to keep it simple.  Feel free to respond in the comments if you have questions or additional thoughts you’d like to share as we navigate through various topics of the Bible. The intent here is to encourage and grow together in our faith in Christ. 




     As a Believer in Christ today, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious about all the turmoil that we are surrounded by - whether it’s stories stemming from national issues or ones even down to the local communities in which we  live. It feels like the very elements that we as Believers in the United States hold sacred are completely under attack.  

     I listen to a couple of different podcasts frequently to stay up on current events, and the phrase that I keep hearing in the Christian community regarding our culture  is that we are in a “Revival or Bust” situation.  The sentiment is that we need God to intervene in a big way to change the hearts of the citizens in our country or else the country that we have known, based on its Christian principles and values, is simply done.  

      I must confess that when I first started hearing this phrase being used, I simply nodded in agreement.  My thinking was that this phrase was absolutely true - our nation - filled with so people who are not Christians - absolutely need the salvation that the Lord offers.  If only their hearts and minds could change, adopting the principles and values that God has given us for our best lives now and for eternity - one filled with meaning and purpose.  My initial thought was geared towards all the people out there who are pursuing temporary pleasures and basing decisions on whatever suits them for the moment they are living in.  Does this group of people need Christ?  Absolutely! But as time passed, I started recalling messages from a former pastor who was very aware of Church history and specifically that of Revivals that swept lands across this big ole’ globe.

       As I started reflecting back on his teachings, I started remembering that revival  doesn’t start outside the church.  Revival starts within the church! Yes, popular culture certainly needs to become more Godly, but that result isn’t where revival starts.  So my mind shifted to many of the people I know within the church.  There are a lot of wonderful and lovely people within the church, but then there’s also people who are hypocritical.  There are some people in  churches that abuse their positions and use them to gain money, fame, or power. That doesn’t sound much different than people outside of the church, does it? In my pious and sanctimonious mind, I started thinking, “Yep, revival needs to start within the church.”  The evidence for revival in the church is all around me…just look.

    I started praying for revival in our country.  I prayed for unbelievers and believers within the body of Christ equally.  Over time though, God started to convict me of how I was praying. The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector came to mind.  Luke 18:9-12 “ To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable. ‘Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed, ‘ God, I thank you that I am not like other people - robbers, evil-doers, adulterers - or even like this tax collector. I fast twice and give a tenth of all I get.’”

     I felt a heavy conviction.  Though the intent of praying for our country was good, what I really was doing was praying like the Pharisee in this parable.  But that realization wasn’t it by itself.  As I continued to pray, I realized that my desire for revival was completely based on what I saw in others.  I hadn’t even given the time of day to the idea that I personally needed revival.  And that’s where the Lord’s conviction landed.  It’s not about everyone else.  It’s about me.  My personal commitment to holiness and righteousness can certainly be much better than it is. 

     Rather than focusing on the state of others, my focus needs to be on my own life.

     My life was revolutionized, revitalized, “revived” at the age of 18 when I accepted Christ as my savior.  I was offered much grace and mercy then, and this grace and mercy has been afforded me over and over again throughout my life.  I didn’t earn anything from Christ; it was completely a gift that he willingly gave me on the cross. 

     Do I believe that the United States needs a full blown revival?  Absolutely!  

     Do I believe the church in the United States needs a full blown revival?  Absolutely!

     Do I believe that I personally need a full blown revival in my life? Absolutely!

     I don’t know how you are navigating these troublesome days where it seems like God’s principles and teachings are being ridiculed or mocked by the culture around us.  But what I can tell you is that if revival truly were to break loose in this country, and we would collectively see God’s Holy Spirit revive the people of this country, might I suggest that revival starts with “me”? And it starts with “you”?  We really need to keep our eyes focused on God without being distracted by the noise that surrounds us.

     Take some time to really pray and reflect on where you are in your walk of faith with Christ.  Don’t be afraid to ask God for a fresh start in your own life…and maybe just maybe…one by one, the revival that is so desperately needed in our country - might - just - get - sparked!

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

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